
WebRTC RTCRtpSender setParameters() extensions for controlling key frame generation



WebRTC hides many details of how video encoding is done. The generation of key frames (i.e. video frames which can be decoded without any dependencies) is one of these. In particular for multiparty video conferencing key frames are required when a new participant joins. In many of these cases, the server required for multiparty conferencing will request the generation of a keyFrame via an RTCP protocol message. However, some applications may want to also control what spatial layers are encoded as described in https://webrtchacks.com/suspending-simulcast-streams/ In those cases, turning off a high resolution spatial layer will cause participants receiving that layer to “switch down”. In order to switch down a key frame is required. This can cause the following flow events between the browser and the server:

Browser: turns off high spatial layer
SFU: transitions participants on that layer to a lower spatial layer (possibly after a timeout)
SFU: send a PLI to browser to be able to forward that layer
Browser: sends a key frame

This introduces a delay of at least one round trip time (<200ms) which is perceived as a video freeze for the remote participants. Generating a key frame when turning off the high spatial layer(s) avoids this delay and improves the perceived video quality.

Code sample

const sender = pc1.getSenders()[0];
const parameters = sender.getParameters();
parameters.encodings[0].active = true;  // for illustration purposes.
parameters.encodings[1].active = false; // Disable upper spatial layers
parameters.encodings[2].active = false;
sender.setParameters(parameters, {encodingOptions:
  [{keyFrame: true}, {keyFrame: false}, {keyFrame: false}]});

Design notes

There has been quite some back and forth on where this API should live and how it should work. For example it has been proposed to have a dedicated generateKeyFrame method as part on the RTCRtpSender object. As specified in https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-encoded-transform/#dom-rtcrtpscripttransformer-generatekeyframe this does not take simulcast into account and creates a unneccessary dependency on the Encoded Transform spec. It can also lead to race conditions where the separate calls to generateKeyFrame and setParameters might end up yielding two key frames.

The need for a keyframe often coincides with other changes to the encoding parameters which are controlled via the sender’s getParameters and setParameters methods. One particular example here is changing the scaleResolutionDownBy factor which affects the size of the encoded frame which requires a key frame to be encoded.

Since requesting a key frame is a transient operation, adding it to the encoding parameters which are returned by getParameters seemed inappropriate. The way out of this was to add a second argument to setParameters.

See also the various working group meetings where this was discussed: